Gute Frage

Static Hosting or Content Delivery Network?

The so-called shared hosting on which WordPress and the like run leads to low costs, but only offers a given bandwidth. With a content delivery network - as all modern SaaS CMS have - your data is distributed to hundreds of servers and is available at lightning speed.

With classic hosting, your site is located on a server. This means that the site's functionality is always dependent on the activity of the server. In the event of defects or errors, you can only contact the provider's support hotline. Since hosting is not part of the open-source software, you are dependent on external offers. To save costs, the servers are often located only in Germany. This increases the loading time, especially for international access and causes delays. 

Another problem is the use of one server by several high-traffic websites. Although so-called shared hosting leads to low costs, it only offers a fixed amount of storage space and a predefined bandwidth. As soon as a site grows beyond this limit, hosting – and thus accessibility – can no longer be guaranteed. For growing sites, static hosting is not a good approach for this reason, as it makes it difficult to expand without additional rate increases.

On the other hand, with a functional content delivery network, your data is distributed across hundreds of servers.  This enables your site to be constantly accessible, as other locations compensate for individual server failures. Another advantage is the immediate proximity to the user. Due to the scattering of locations, there is always a suitable server in the desired environment, enabling fast response times and immediate reactions. If a single server fails, another location automatically steps in and ensures complete redundancy.

WordPress or Webflow? đŸ–„ 8 aspects on the topic of Open-source CMS vs SaaS CMS

In this article, you will learn how an open-source CMS differs from a SaaS CMS and what is the best choice for your projects.

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