Gute Frage

How do you compare web design offers?

Bring all offers to a common denominator and compare especially the services that are actually comparable.

First of all: It's not always easy! There are no standardised service specifications in web design as there are in the construction industry. The biggest mistake – which is indeed often made – is to compare only the large number at the bottom right, assuming that all service providers have understood the same thing and will offer the same thing.

If you do not want to compare apples with coconuts, you will have to bring all positions into line. You can save yourself a lot of work here if you make sure you provide all service providers with complete, comprehensive and equal information. If you have neglected to do this or the offers still seem hard to compare, these steps can help.

Source: revision6

  • Set up a table. The horizontal axis is labelled with the providers.
  • Write the services on the vertical axis. Derive from the offer  structured in the most understandable and detailed way.
  • Fill in the expenses or figures of the other providers in their respective columns. Not all offers will contain all the positions,  so the first gaps will already appear. Either the offer was not comprehensive or the service was included in a neighbouring position.
  • For example, one provider may see testing as an independent position, while another already covers it as part of development. It is precisely these facts that need to be clarified so that you can divide up the positions accordingly for your comparison.
  • Another finding will be that the positions of individual providers differ significantly downwards or upwards from those of competitors. Clarify this with the providers as well. It is very likely that different expenses are simply assumed.
  • The result will be a clear table that gives you a good visualisation of where you stand with each provider.

Rule of thumb: The less the sums for the individual bid items of a provider stand out, the more realistic and accurate the calculations probably are.

Budget đŸ’¶ for web design - How much should a website cost?

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Official Webflow Partner


Certified Expert and Development Partner.
User Experience

Zertifizierte Experten

fĂŒr Usability und User Experience.

IHK Mitglied

und zertifizierter Projektmanager.
Jeffrey Zeldman

Der Inhalt geht dem Design voraus. Design ohne Inhalt ist kein Design, es ist Dekoration.

Jeffrey Zeldman
GrĂŒnder von Happy Cog and studio.zeldman
Christopher Schuller

Weiterempfehlung zu 100%

„Das Revision6 Team versetzt sich komplett in den Kunden, versucht GeschĂ€ftsablĂ€ufe zu verstehen und entwickelt eine perfekt abgestimmte Webseite. Weiterempfehlung zu 100%“
Christopher Schuller
Panther GmbH
Prof. Dr. Kurt Stockinger

Die Zusammenarbeit wurde stringent gefĂŒhrt und gut kommuniziert.

„revision6 hat unsere Website auf das nĂ€chste Level gehoben. Dabei wurde die Zusammenarbeit stringent gefĂŒhrt und gut kommuniziert.“
Prof. Dr. Kurt Stockinger
ZHAW School of Engineering
Christoph Pössnicker

Sehr freundlicher Kontakt und eine professionelle Zusammenarbeit

„Wir durften mit der Agentur eine super Erfahrung machen - sehr freundlicher Erstkontakt und eine professionelle Zusammenarbeit. Nach unserer Anfrage erhielten wir eine schnelle Antwort und sie boten uns alternative und vor allem auch kreative LösungsansĂ€tze mit welchen wir zielgerichtet unser Projekt abwickeln konnten. Sehr weiterzuempfehlen!!“
Christoph Pössnicker
Virtuelle Helden

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